Minecraft real life game
Minecraft real life game

minecraft real life game

The graphics are similar to blocky Minecraft paint, but despite that fact, the overall graphic design is pretty decent. Minecraft Earth uses Open Street Maps data of the actual real-world where players get to experience it, virtually. Otherwise, your regular server will not be able to handle the usage. On the actual Minecraft game online, the only way to build your own mini Minecraft world is to have a server hosting Minecraft. You can also build your own mini Minecraft world by simply using just an app. All throughout the gameplay, players are required to collect several materials and mobs to build things with.

#Minecraft real life game android

Minecraft Earth is an AR game for iOS and Android that allows players to build Minecraft creations, collaboratively or with friends, that are brought over to the real world for you and your friends to play with. Hence, players are required to use their cameras and hold their phones in order to play. This is because the whole game is mapped into the real world since the map is based on Open Street Maps. Unlike Pokemon Go where AR ( Augmented Reality ) is not a requirement, Minecraft Earth on the other hand requires AR to function. In simpler terms, Minecraft Earth is Microsoft’s own version of Pokemon Go and Harry Potter: Wizard’s Unite. But now? Players are able to take things to the next level by playing Minecraft Earth, also known as a virtual world of Minecraft mixed with reality. Most players only got to build blocks, making basic items, chopping trees, and so on. When Minecraft first started back in 2009, it was merely just a video game that is played on computers or laptops.

Minecraft real life game